The Best Lawyers in the Era of ICBC Minor Injury Caps

When ICBC considers your serious injury minor, private personal injury lawyers top the list of professionals that understand the ICBC minor injury cap criterion. Legal training and experience put lawyers at great advantage when tackling these ICBC claims. It is best to get independent advice before, not after, ICBC evaluates your injury as minor. Fortunately, because…

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When to Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident

As a personal injury lawyer since 1995 my law firm and I have assisted thousands of claimants in search of a legal advocate after an injury. One of the most common questions: Do I need a lawyer?  Why?  Answer: To obtain better compensation without dealing directly with ICBC is often the reason a claimant hires a lawyer. To…

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Returning to School and Work after a Car Accident Injury

Car accident injuries can occur when starting a new phase of school or work. Getting back after a vacation or time off can make it difficult to heal as recommended by a doctor or treating healthcare provider. How to return to school with an ICBC injury claim and three important principles to understand when injured in a…

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Legal fees of 33% Recognized by Canadian Courts as a Reasonable Fee

It can be difficult to know how much to pay for legal services if you have little or no experience hiring a lawyer after a personal injury. The years of legal training and experience help to determine the lawyer’s best hourly and percentage fee. Here are a few case examples to help understand what is reasonable…

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Better for an ICBC Injury Claimant to Have a Lawyer

  Even the best personal injury lawyers seek expert opinion to obtain the highest results for their personal injury cases. So, it is hard to imagine how an ICBC injury claimant could obtain a fair resolution of their claim without a legal advocate. ICBC is pushing an injury cap system in which claimants will not have the benefit…

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