Legal fees of 33% Recognized by Canadian Courts as a Reasonable Fee

It can be difficult to know how much to pay for legal services if you have little or no experience hiring a lawyer after a personal injury. The years of legal training and experience help to determine the lawyer’s best hourly and percentage fee. Here are a few case examples to help understand what is reasonable…

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Rejecting $100,000 Offer and Firing Lawyer Leads to $50,000 Award

The personal injury lawyer hired by this claimant was able to negotiate an offer to settle of $100,000 with ICBC in a car accident injury case. However, the claimant was not happy with this amount,  fired the lawyer and went to court himself. The court awarded the claimant $50,000 (2015 BCSC 1504) and ordered the claimant to pay the lawyer his proper fees for…

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How Much does it Cost to Hire a Lawyer for an ICBC Claim?

Lawyers Bill Based on a Percentage of  up to One-Third of the Recovery or By Hourly  Rate A Lawyers legal fees are regulated by the Law Society of BC and as a result you will find many lawyer fees are paid on a percentage of what is recovered and usually not more than  33 1/3…

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Taxes on Legal Fees- PST, GST and Personal Injury Claims in BC

As of April 1, 2013 HST no longer applies to legal fees and legal services in BC.  In personal injury cases no income tax is payable on lawyer negotiated settlements for  pain and suffering compensation with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, and other insurance companies. The Provincial change back to the PST and GST…

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Legal Fee Compensation for Car Accident Claims to be Considered

Compensation for legal fees in car accident personal injury cases is slated to be further explained, clarified, and examined by the court (Lee v. Jarvie, 2013 BCCA 17). The BC Court of Appeal granted leave to appeal  in this car accident award for personal injuries after the claimant was only awarded 50% of his legal costs and the defendants were awarded 50% of…

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Average Contingency Legal Fee for Personal Injury Lawyers

Hiring a personal injury lawyer in British Columbia should not have to be a guessing game, especially when it comes to legal fees. That is why the Law Society strictly controls how much a lawyer gets for his or her percentage legal fees.  The median or average percentage is set organically by the marketplace and is often…

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