When you are injured in a car accident in British Columbia usually the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) will have to be notified. However before you, a friend, or family member contact ICBC there are three important tasks on your checklist that can be completed to give you the best opportunity to obtain accident injury benefits and the best injury compensation.

  • First, Before calling ICBC dial-a-Claim make sure you have the particulars-  your ID, date of the car accident, location of the accident, the name, address, telephone number, driver’s licence number, and licence plate number of the other driver. If you are not physically or emotionally able to call ICBC get someone to call on your behalf.  If you are the friend or family member of a disabled car accident claimant call ICBC on their behalf if the injury claimant is unable to do so.
  • Second,seek medical attention immediately- Waiting times for specialized medical services after a car accident injury can take weeks or months in British Columbia. Ensure whether you are in Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver or anywhere in BC that you set an appointment to see your family doctor about your car accident injury as soon as possible. If you do not have a family doctor call the College of Physicians to get the name of a family doctor that will treat your accident injuries. If you or a family member is in hospital for urgent care due to accident injuries call a personal injury lawyer immediately so that you have someone competent to deal with the injury claim while you or your family member can focus on recovery.
  • Third, secure the evidence as ICBC may change their decision on fault- Make sure you obtain witness names and contact information, police file number, photos of the vehicles, any engineering reports, diagrams, drawings, measurements, time estimates and the like. This of course is not an exhaustive list but as I have pointed out before good evidence is the best tool for any top personal injury lawyer.

Calling a personal injury lawyer is probably the smartest thing you can do. I have been a personal injury lawyer in Vancouver representing people all over BC since 1995 and all the lawyers in my personal injury law firm will give you a free consultation- no charge. Every personal injury lawyer in BC is entitled to decide whether to provide a free consultation to help you decide whether to hire a lawyer. Watch out my video on reporting toICBC dial-a-claim.
Posted by Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer Mr. Renn Holness, B.A. LL.B.

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