Given the similar roadways in the Lower Mainland personal injury lawyers helping injury claimants usually deal with very similar types of car accident injuries. As you get into more pedestrian congested areas bike lane and pedestrian injuries become more common and even the best personal injury lawyer will need to do the proper legal research to strengthen the injury claim. Take a read of my article on getting the highest award for your ICBC injury claim.
The traffic volumes affect the level of car accident injuries in British Columbia, which are high in Vancouver, Burnaby and Richmond, and in my experience as a personal injury lawyer in Vancouver, no matter what your city, many of the top medical experts are located in the Lower Mainland area.
I have discussed finding a personal injury lawyer in Surrey BC before and would only add that if your claim is large enough to file in the Supreme Court of BC then you may need to file your lawsuit in Vancouver as there is currently no court registry in Surrey. There is also no Court Registry in Burnaby or Richmond to file an ICBC injury claim in Supreme Court.
When deciding on a personal injury lawyer the location of your lawyer can be more important than where you live. Most of the law relating to car accident injury claims is Provincial so any qualified lawyer in good standing with the Law Society of BC can take on your case. However, my best advice would be to speak to a law firm that only takes on personal injury claims and does not represent ICBC or any other insurance company. Posted by Mr. Renn A. Holness