ICBC will often, through their lawyer in the personal injury litigation, cross-exam the injury claimant on any reports to the ICBC Dial-a-Claim service about a car accident. The Dial-a-Claim Representative interprets the information being conveyed over the phone and creates an internal document which is attached to the injury claimant’s file.
I have found, in my experience as a personal injury lawyer practising in British Columbia since 1995, that the Insurance Corporation of BC consistently maintains a record of ICBC Dial-a-Claim reports for future use in personal injury litigation. This document, often referred to as the CL-75, can create practical problems and can also be helpful as an injury claimant tries to move forward in their claim for injury benefits. I have written at some length about ICBC Dial-a-Claim reports and why report a claim to ICBC Dial-a-Claim.
Today I will outline the top five pieces of information ICBC collects from a Dial-a-Claim call:
1. The date and time of the accident;
2. The date and time of the ICBC Dial-a-Claim call;
3. The particulars of the injury claimant’s insurance coverage;
4. A description of the car accident including the location, operation of street lights, and the movement of the vehicles; and
5. Details regarding any witnesses to the accident.
An injury claimant can get a copy of their CL-75 by making a request to ICBC under the Freedom of Information laws. ICBC usually refuses to produce a copy of the other driver’s ICBC Dial-a-Claim report unless the case is in litigation.
Posted by personal injury lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness B.A. LL.B.-