As a personal injury lawyer serving the Lower Mainland since 1995 I have successfully helped many slip and fall injuries claimants. If you or someone you know has just been injured in a business establishment, check out my short video about slip and fall injuries on business premises.
Here are three important tips for people injured on business premises in British Columbia:
1. INCIDENT REPORT- Make sure that your injury is reported to staff members right away and an incident report is completed;
2. WITNESES- Obtain the name and contact information of any witnesses. Do not talk to the witness about the incident; and
3. WRITTEN NOTICE- Give the business written notice that you want copies of all surveillance videos.
Businesses that are occupiers under the Occupier Liability Act owe a duty to take care that people will be reasonably safe in using the premises. This duty is limited as there are exclusions for contracting out. Often there is little hope of a viable claim if the claimant was trespassing or entering for the purpose of a recreational activity and the occupier received no payment other than a payment from a government agency or a non-profit recreational club or association.
Remember these type of slip and fall injuries have deadlines for filing with the court as well as deadlines to give notice of the claim. A personal injury lawyer at best should have a look at the case in the first thirty days.
Posted by Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.