Injury in a car accident in British Columbia usually results in a personal injury case with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC. ICBC INJURY LAWYERS is a term often used and I define this to mean personal injury lawyers in British Columbia that represent injury claimants against an ICBC insured driver for injury loss and damage after a car accident. The term also assumes that the professional has some experience dealing with ICBC injury cases and representing people that are injured against ICBC. Other terms commonly used in ICBC claims are: Personal Injury Lawyers; Plaintiff Counsel; and Trial Lawyers. None of these terms are designated by the Law Society of BC and there is currently no specialized accreditation designed in BC for professionals dealing with ICBC injury claims.
In ICBC injury claims the individuals that work for ICBC defending the drivers being sued are commonly referred to as “defence lawyers”. They primarily defend injury claims arising out of motor vehicle accidents and are hired in the prosecution of fraudulent claims. Many of them have had to sign strategic alliance agreements (SAA) with ICBC which permit ICBC to impose penalties, such as termination, where they fail to act in the best interest of ICBC in an injury claim. SAA’s prevents the lawyer from filing a claim against ICBC for bad faith, or claims for punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages. These are not individuals you can hire if you want to sue ICBC for a claim of failing to pay accident injury benefits. I have discussed this in more detail in my brief article on ICBC bad faith injury claims and also watch my short video about Lawyers representing ICBC.
In my own view, the best advocate for an ICBC injury victim in a BC injury claim is a lawyer that provides unhindered legal representation to those ICBC injury claimants who have been injured physically and/or psychologically as a result of the wrongdoing of another person, company, government agency, or legal entity.
Posted by Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A., LL.B.- Personal Injury Lawyer in BC since 1995.
The best lawyer for your case is always the same – a lawyer with a lot of experience! It is never a good idea to hire a divorce lawyer when you need a personal injury lawyer and the opposite, am I right?