Yes, notifying ICBC is a requirement if you are in a car accident anywhere in Canada and the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, and intend to claim accident injury benefits. The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, provides medical and disability benefits to insured following motor vehicle accident related injuries. Find out more and watch my short video on calling ICBC dial-a-claim after a car crash. For the lawyer types out there the requirements are found, in part, at Part VII of the Regulations to the Insurance (Vehicle) Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 231.
Regardless of what you tell ICBC whether your claim is reported on time, online, in person or on the phone, my years of experience as a personal injury lawyer makes it obvious to me that ICBC will deny your injury benefit claim if: Your driver’s licence has expired, your statement does not represent what happened in the collision, you drive over the legal alcohol limit or under the influence of drugs, or your vehicle is insured in the wrong class. There are other grounds that ICBC can use to deny an injury claim so contacting a lawyer for a free consult ASAP before making a statement to ICBC is your best bet.
Informing ICBC of a car accident without a lawyer will often require a recording being made of your version of the accident and what symptoms and injuries you are claiming. I’ve outlined some of the key deadlines for reporting to ICBC in my articles about How to make an ICBC injury claim without a lawyer. Remember your communication with ICBC may be released later in your lawsuit against the at fault driver so it has got to be accurate.
Posted by personal injury lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.