As a personal injury lawyer I have managed, handled and cared for hundreds of claims against ICBC due to car accident injuries and I have noticed 3 things that claimants almost always ask- Do I need a lawyer? How much is my case worth? and How much do you cost? All very important questions deserving of immediate answers.
Personal Injury Lawyer Fees- Conducting the ICBC Claim
Following a car accident your legal advocate is not provided by the Government and are not free. Personal injury lawyers working independently work in “fee for service” agreements allowing the lawyer to represent the best interest of the injured client.
Getting the Lawyer Evaluation- ICBC Case Management
Once an ICBC personal injury lawyer is hired, the skill and judgement of the lawyer will determine the appropriate time for case valuation as well as offers of settlement. Settlement offers should generally not be made until your lawyer can provide solid legal advice. Insights into personal injury damages may only be possible by proper case management before attempts at resolution are made.
Needing a Lawyer
Immediately following a car accident most people do not think they need a lawyer, would benefit from a lawyer or just believe that the cost is not worth the benefit. Your personal needs following an injury should dedicate your appetite for legal representation. Tax advise is a good analogy. For a simple tax return you may chose to do it your self, however, when it gets more complicated you may end up missing something important. So you pay for professional advise and skill in getting the proper documents filed.
To learn more about having a legal advocate manage your ICBC injury claim watch our short video about Hiring an ICBC Personal injury Lawyer in BC.
Posted by Personal Injury Lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.
I agree with you that most of the victim doesn’t think to hire a lawyer after an accident so that they may have to settle down on lesser amount although they are liable to receive the more amount from an insurance.
Every accident lawyer had their own fee. Actually if you are claiming for the accident, then it is really very beneficial. So when you are facing such type of unwanted situation, move towards the lawyer and get help.