Acting correctly after a car accident can be difficult when your senses are not working properly. I have been a personal injury lawyer in Vancouver for over 20 years and I’d like to share with you 3 top things to do after a car accident in BC:
First, seek medical attention – Triage by hospital staff will help identify and document any major physical injuries and will provide recommendations for follow-up. Timing is important, go with the ambulance paramedics to avoid delayed treatment and to prevent worsening of your injuries.
Second, report your accident to the police and ICBC. Whether the accident has occurred in Vancouver, Surrey or elsewhere in BC have someone call ICBC dial-a-claim to report your accident as soon as possible for you. The ICBC dial-a-claim representative will type down what has been said about the accident which may be used later in the lawsuit. However, it is important to make a truthful and accurate report as early as possible.
And Third, hire an advocate appropriate for your personal injury case. Not all injury claimants need the benefit of a lawyer. If you have fully recovered within three months and have lost little or no income, there is nothing wrong with expressing your intention to settle your case to ICBC before getting a lawyer. Make sure ICBC has all the relevant medical opinion before settling. If your symptoms such as pain, reduced range of motion, and stiffness continue beyond three months, the best step would be hiring a personal injury lawyer.
Learn more about how to proceed after a car accident: