Brain injury following a car accident needs to be documented and treated for the greatest chance of a person being put back in the position they were in before the injury.
Here are three important steps to take if you have suffered a brain injury in a car accident:
Brain Injury Management Plan
In the First 24-48 Hours set up a management plan to: monitor for potential acute complications requiring re-assessment; obtain education regarding expected symptoms and course of recovery; and seek recommendations for health care follow-up post injury.
Referral to specialist services or multidisciplinary treatment may be required early on for some injury claimants but it is essential that all claimants have a physician overseeing their brain injury care. In BC this cab be a family doctor. Avoid being seen by multiple family doctors, even at the same clinic.
The First 30 days
Rest and Sleep as your brain needs time to recover. Do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs until you are fully recovered. Seek advice about withdrawal if needed. Take time off work or study until you can concentrate better. See your doctor and let your employer, co-workers, friends, and teachers know about your injury. You should return to study and work slowly as recommended by your doctor. As for sports, studies show it is dangerous for the brain to be injured again if it has not recovered from the first injury.
Post Concussion Symptoms after 4 weeks
If you continue to suffer the following symptoms for longer than 4-6 weeks after a head injury then you have post concussion syndrome:dizziness, loss of concentration and memory, fatigue, irritability, noise and light sensitivity, anxiety, insomnia,headaches. In BC many doctors will have not have an MRI done due to the medical system ( amazing!), but this should be commissioned immediately to best treat the patient. In BC this can be done privately.
Importantly, if you have suffered a brain injury in an auto accident talk to a personal injury lawyer with experience dealing with similar injuries and see a medical professional immediately.
Thankfully, Canadian automobile deaths and brain injuries continue to decline in severity due to better vehicle and road design. However, the number of reported head injuries is apparently on the rise. Injury claimants who experience an acquired brain injury are also at increased risk of depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other emotional conditions. There are still 60 new brain injury cases in British Columbia every day, according to the BC Brain Injury Association.
Watch our short videos to learn more about brain injury following motor vehicle accidents:
Posted by Personal Injury Lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.