When ICBC makes a false claim of fraud against you this can affect your work, family life, and personal reputation. ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) is an auto insurance monopoly created by government and, unlike most other Provinces, ICBC investigators hold police type powers and provide crown prosecutors with evidence to lay charges against auto insurance claimants.
To explain the recent financial crisis at ICBC, the auto insurance corporation has alleged an “increase in fraud” with no statistical or factual basis. This is now resulting in innocent victims being denied accident benefits in what some refer to an abuse of power by ICBC. Case in point, ICBC was recently Ordered to Pay $400,000 for False Fraud Accusations (Click here to read more about ICBC’s false allegations against innocent victims).
Here are a three tips for innocent claimants accused of false or fraudulent behaviour by ICBC:
- Get a Legal Advocate– Having a lawyer work in your best interest will allow you to focus on recovery knowing that someone in the system is looking out for your interests.
- Do not Be Bullied by ICBC-Dispute the denial of benefits for which you are entitled. Failure to dispute denied benefits can create problems with your claim later.
- Sue for Bad Faith– ICBC is not above the law, corporations and government bodies are accountable for reprehensible behaviour. British Columbia law allows private citizens to sue ICBC for bad behaviour which results in loss to a claimant.
Posted by Personal Injury Lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness B.A. LL.B., with over 21 years experience representing victims of personal injury in BC.
ICBC stooped paying TTD Benefits and closed the claim but I am still off work due to ongoing health issues related to the MVA and refused to reimburse me for expenses.