The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal finding a truck driver solely liable for the serious injuries suffered by a motorcyclist totaling $838,430 in losses. The injury claimant was seriously injured when the motorcycle he was riding collided with the front end of the left-turning transport truck (Ranahan v. Iron Horse Enterprises & Logistics Inc.,2018 BCCA 75)
The judge found the motorcyclist was driving within a reasonable margin of the speed limit and did not in any way contribute to or cause the car accident.
The motorcycle driver sought compensation for pain and suffering, non-pecuniary damages, in the range of $125,000 to $150,000 as he continued to suffer from chronic pain in the chest, collarbone and neck area. Taking into consideration the impact of the injuries on the injury claimant received $145,000 as compensation for his pain and suffering.
The appeal was dismissed by of all three sitting appeal judges.
Posted by Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.