Can a claim to ICBC be made online? Claimants can make an ICBC dial a claim, a written report, or have a legal advocate report the accident. Importantly however, car accidents that result in personal injury cannot currently be reported to ICBC online.
The Insurance Motor Vehicle Act regulations require a written report within 30 days but do not specify if this can be achieved online. There are lawyers that will allow claimants to hire them online and the lawyer can then make a proper ICBC claim on behalf of the claimant. Through a lawyer, a claimant can make an online ICBC injury claim.
Regardless of the medium used it is most important that you report the information required in the ICBC prescribed form. For starting and reporting a personal injury claim with ICBC the CL-22 form needs to be completed with 90 days. The regulations are unclear whether this can be achieved by online claim form. To be clear this is exactly the wording requiring an ICBC claim to be made within 30 days and claim form within 90 days:
Notice of claim
97(1) Where an accident occurs for which benefits are provided under this Part, the insured shall
(a) promptly give the corporation notice of the accident,
(b) not later than 30 days from the date of the accident, mail to the corporation by registered mail, or deliver to the nearest claims centre of the corporation, a written report on the accident with particulars of the circumstances in which the accident occurred and the consequences of the accident, and
(c) within 90 days from the date of the accident furnish the corporation with a proof of claim in a form authorized by the corporation.
(2) The corporation is not liable to an insured who, to the prejudice of the corporation, fails to comply with this section.
Watch our short video for a quick review on how to make an ICBC claim after a car accident: