After 22 years as a personal injury lawyer I cannot strees enough how important it is that ICBC claimants avoid making misrepresentations or ommisions when reporting a car accident to the insurance company. This is almost never on purpose but as a result of a hasty reporting with little or no legal advice. However, ignorance is no excuse under the law.
Online reporting of auto accidents can be a mistake in cases where the victim does not fully understand the claim process or what will happen after the report is made. Pressing send on an online report could mean a lot more than a claimant expected.
Ensure that the focus is on the injury and recovery, not on the claim reporting by having a professional loyal to you explain the process or assist in the reporting process.
Not all car accident injury cases require a lawyer, but all injury claimants are personally responsible for statements made to ICBC online. It is best to speak to a lawyer, most will agree to do so initially at no charge. Call a lawyer before completing any online ICBC claim form to best protect your own interests.
Get professional help for an ICBC claim before filling out any online insurance form.
Posted by Mr. Renn A. Holness, B.A. LL.B.- Assisting the injured since 1995

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