In a recent ICBC case that proceeded to trial, our client was awarded $225,000 for past and future ICBC loss of housekeeping capacity which was one of the highest awards ever made in this province. Other cases where substantial awards for loss of housekeeping capacity are as follows:
$570,000 Xu v Balaski, 2020 BCSC 940:
In this case, the injured claimant was involved in 3 motor vehicle accidents. She was a Licensed Practical Nurse by trade and 42 years-old at trial. She was also married and a mother of 3 young children. One child was disabled. Before the Accidents, she was responsible for all housekeeping and childcare activities; her husband did not assist in any regard. Due to the chronicity of her injuries, after the Accidents, she had to rely heavily on her parents to help with taking care of the home and the children. The Court awarded $195,000 for past/future loss of housekeeping; and $375,000 for childcare (including daycare costs).
$418,000 Kim v. Lin, 2016 BCSC 2405
In this case, the injured claimant was involved in a motor vehicle accident. Before the Accident, she had various jobs. At the time of the Accident, she was 27 years-old and not working. She was also married and a mother of an infant. Before the Accidents, she was responsible for all housekeeping and childcare activities. Her husband, who suffered from a disability, did not assist in any regard. After the accident, she gave birth to another child. The Court accepted she suffered from psychiatric disorders, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain syndrome. Due to the severity of her injuries, she had to rely heavily on her family members to help with taking care of the home and the children. The Court awarded $418,000 for loss of housekeeping.
$225,000 Bhatti v Jones, 2020 BCSC 1935:
This a Holness and Small Law Group BC Supreme Court decision. In this case, the injured claimant was involved in a motor vehicle accident. He worked as head salesperson at a retail store and was 36 years old at trial. At the time of the accident, he was married, and his wife gave birth to their first child sometime after the collision. He was predominantly responsible for all housekeeping tasks which included cooking and taking care of his family’s pet tortoise. After the accident, he was disabled from his household tasks due to a persistent and lasting injury (disc extrusion); as such, the aforesaid duties fell upon his wife who was a full-time professional. The Court awarded $225,000 for past/future loss of housekeeping capacity.
$180,000 Shongu v. Jing, 2016 BCSC 901:
In this case, the injured claimant was involved in a motor vehicle accident. He was 39 years old at trial, and a married father of 3 children. He was working as a Security Guard prior to the collision. The Court accepted that he suffered from chronic neck and back pain that was likely permanent. Due to his chronic injuries, he was disabled from taking care of the home, taking care of his children, and from employment; all the aforesaid duties fell to his spouse. The Court awarded $180,000 for past/future loss of housekeeping capacity.
$115,000 Sidhu v Alton, 2020 BCSC 1802
In this case, the injured claimant was involved in 3 motor vehicle accidents. She was working as a part-time Stocker at grocery store (16-22 hours per week) and was 45 years-old at trial. She was also married and a mother of 3 older children. Before the Accidents, she was responsible for all housekeeping and childcare activities; her husband did not assist in any regard. The Court did not accept that she was permanently disabled, but did accept that she was unable to preform heavy household tasks. The Court awarded $115,000 for past/future loss of housekeeping capacity.