What are the different types of ICBC Claims available to me?

What Types of ICBC Claims Are Available to You? If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be overwhelmed with not only your own injuries and rehabilitation, but also with figuring out how to deal with ICBC.  You are likely wondering what types of claims you can make against ICBC, how…

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Another Trial Win Against ICBC for Holness and Small

On May 27, 2021 the Supreme Court awarded our client more than double the amount ICBC offered for compensation for car accident injuries after a short four day trial. In awarding $90,000 for her pain and suffering the judge took into account the plaintiff’s age; the nature of the injury; the severity and duration of…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – Pain and Suffering Award Takes into Consideration Changes to Family Planning due to Chronic Pain

Damages for pain and suffering, also known as non-pecuniary damages, compensates an injured claimant for the injuries suffered in the motor vehicle accident and the impact those injuries have had on his/her enjoyment of life.  Trial judges will consider the following factors when deciding the amount to award to an injured claimant for pain and…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Liable for Window Washer’s Brain Injury Caused by a Reversing Car

In Geddert v. Stokes 2021 BCSC 656, the injured claimant, a window washer, was injured when his ladder was struck by a reversing car.  At the time, he was washing the outside windows above a garage door at a condominium development. The trial judge dismissed ICBC’s arguments that others were liable for the accident finding…

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Vancouver Assault Lawyer – $226,000.00 Awarded to Security Guard Assaulted by Private School Teacher

In previous blog posts, we discussed recent cases where damages were awarded for assault injuries. In Thomson v. Fraser 2021 BCSC 541, the injured claimant was a 21 year-old security guard at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver.  The defendant was a private school teacher at the prestigious Shawnigan Lake School on Vancouver Island.  Before the…

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ICBC Settlements 2021 for Personal Injury

How much ICBC pays for injury claims will plummet after May, 2021. Most will not have lawyers. ICBC settlements in 2021 will be unlike any other year in our history. Car accident injury claimants after May 1, 2021 will no longer be given compensation for loss of enjoyment of life. Let’s explain ICBC settlements for…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Hired Expert Rejected at Trial for Faulty Research

As discussed in a prior blog post, ICBC medical experts who are hired to provide opinions are required to be impartial, independent and absent of bias.  Furthermore, all medical experts are to disclose all facts, assumptions and research as part of their expert file which formed the basis of their opinion. In Barn v. Bird…

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ICBC Minor Injury Tribunal Found to be Illegal

The Attorney General David Eby’s scheme to have ICBC injury claims decided by an appointed tribunal is unconstitutional, says Judge Hinkson. Specifically, the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) does not have the power to (1) label ICBC claimants as having “minor injury”, nor do they have the power to (2) decide on liability and damages for…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – Another Trial Win Against ICBC for Holness and Small Law Group

Previously in the last few months, we announced 2 trial wins against ICBC on behalf of our clients. We are very pleased and proud to announce another win for our client at trial against ICBC. Our client was 31 years-old who suffered chronic soft tissue injuries and depression as a result of 2 motor vehicle…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – $200,000.00 for Chronic and Severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. When some people suffer from PTSD, it can be extremely disabling to…

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