What are the different types of ICBC Claims available to me?

What Types of ICBC Claims Are Available to You? If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be overwhelmed with not only your own injuries and rehabilitation, but also with figuring out how to deal with ICBC.  You are likely wondering what types of claims you can make against ICBC, how…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Criticized by Trial Judge for Forcing Injured Claimant to Trial with Weak/No Defence

ICBC is a crown corporation.  A crown corporation is a public sector organization established and funded by our own elected provincial government.  ICBC was created to provide universal compulsory automobile insurance to British Columbian drivers.  As “compulsory” automobile insurance, ICBC has a monopoly over the entire province. There is simply no competition or choice.  If…

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Eby and the NDP Try to “Rewrite” the Law to Avoid Responsibility in 900 Million Dollar Class Action Case

Since the NDP have been in power, the party has completely restructured ICBC to suit the government’s needs and to save this crown corporation money.  Instead of focusing on restructuring and fixing the severe mismanagement of ICBC to protect injured claimants, British Columbians have been the target with their rights being stripped away with the…

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ICBC Minor Injury Tribunal Found to be Illegal

The Attorney General David Eby’s scheme to have ICBC injury claims decided by an appointed tribunal is unconstitutional, says Judge Hinkson. Specifically, the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) does not have the power to (1) label ICBC claimants as having “minor injury”, nor do they have the power to (2) decide on liability and damages for…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – Can you make a claim against ICBC to recover Vacation Days used for your injuries?

If you are unable to work because of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident, there are various options available to pursue to replace lost income.  This includes applying to receive sick pay or Employment Insurance (EI) for sickness benefits.  If there is disability coverage through your employer, you may be eligible to receive short…

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Enhanced Care ICBC Style: Losing Your Right to Sue

ICBC Enhanced Care 2021, celebrated by NDP government, received Royal Assent Friday, Aug. 14, 2020. Auto injury victims need to prepare for the worst. Our Attorney General David Eby has coined ICBC no fault auto insurance as “ICBC Enhanced Care”. The Enhanced Care at ICBC will mean the elimination of compensation for pain and suffering.…

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Does Your Lawyer Work for ICBC? Important Reasons Why You Should Know

In British Columbia, there are numerous lawyers and law firms who work for ICBC as defence counsel. They advocate for ICBC and they work to protect ICBC from personal injury claims by reducing claims. To reduce claims, often an injured claimants’ credibility and their medical team are attacked. A staggering number of lawyers who work…

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ICBC Claims and Changing to a New ICBC Lawyer – What you need to know

Choosing the right ICBC lawyer to represent you with your ICBC claim is important. It is essential that you choose an ICBC lawyer who is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of personal injury law. This area of law is intricate and it requires a level of skill to navigate the many legal issues that…

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Judge Criticizes ICBC For Failing to Pay Promised Part 7 Benefits as part of ICBC’s New “Enhanced Care Coverage”

The NDP have rolled out new ICBC policies including new Enhanced Care coverage. This “care based model” is advertised by the NDP as providing British Columbians with increased care such as payment for treatment ongoing indefinitely into the future despite settlement or judgement at trial. The NDP and David Eby are asking us to trust…

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