New Lawyer for the Injured

Profound legal changes in 2018, effective April, 2019, empower the auto insurance monopoly ICBC to cap claims for pain and suffering. Progressive injury lawyers need to understand ICBC injury caps and complex accident benefits regulations. Early and inexpensive legal advice can now be obtained in a variety of forms for a variety of personal injury claims.…

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Shopping for the Best ICBC Injury Lawyer

It been over 20 years since I began the practice of Personal Injury Law in Vancouver and hiring an injury lawyer has diversified in that time. The decline of the Yellow pages and raise in the search engine has spawned new hierarchies for reliable information. Hiring a good personal injury lawyer for your ICBC claim will still provide the expertise…

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Meet ICBC Personal Injury Lawyers to Obtain Legal Advice after a Car Accident

Don’t know where to find real ICBC personal injury lawyers? ICBC stands for The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and lawyers that help injury claimants make claims with ICBC are often referred to as ICBC injury lawyers. Most of these lawyers do not actually work for ICBC and will actually advocate on behalf of the…

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Negotiated Settlements With ICBC- Getting the Best from the Lawyer’s Advice

My personal injury law firm has negotiated hundreds of out of court settlements with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia on behalf of car accident injury claimants, which is a first rate way of saving court time and expense. Some personal injury cases cannot however be settled and are best taken to trial by experienced…

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Fight Your ICBC Claim With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Your ICBC injury claim may be due to a car accident or you  may have been a pedestrian or a cyclist. ICBC is required to pay accident benefits, if your are an insured, whether they think you are all fault or not.  You do not need to find a personal injury lawyer if

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