Personal Injury Claim for Housekeeping, Yard and Home Maintenance Assistance Accepted by the Court

Ward v. Klaus,2010 BCSC 1211 August 31, 2010- There was no settlement with ICBC on this relatively uncontentious rear end injury claim. The injury claimant was injured in a car accident at the parking lot of Evans Elementary School in Chilliwack, British Columbia.  The injury claimant  was driving a  Pontiac Sunbird when it was hit from…

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Judge Rejects ICBC’s Argument that an Innocent Pregnant Injury Claimant was at Fault for Trying to Work

Grewal-Cheema v. Tassone, 2010 BCSC 1182 August 25, 2010-  The claimant was injuried when she was waiting in traffic and suddenly rear ended.  The other driver admitted fault but ICBC  denied the injury claimant suffered  injury.  The injury claimant was pregnant and  her maternity leave ended about one year after her injury.   She then took voluntary unpaid leave as she…

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Motorcylist Injuried but No Contact with the Other Vehicle- Injury Claim Dismissed

Tierney v. GMAC Leaseco Corporation, 2010 BCSC 1179 August 24, 2010- This rather unusual “no car accident” accident involved a personal injury claimant that fell from his motorcycle when attempting to avoid another vehicle. The injury claimant foolishly set out without a helmet.  The injury claimant was driving  a 1983 Yamaha 750 motorcycle and was only…

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How Personal Injury Lawyers are Paid in British Columbia

November 22, 2011- Most injury claimants have never hired a personal injury lawyer before their car accident injury.  One of the most intimidating things about hiring an injury lawyer is the cost- How will you ever afford a lawyer? Well there are affordable ways personal injury lawyers will accept taking a case. Here are 3 options…

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Settling Your ICBC Injury Claim Without a Lawyer

October 31, 2016- Not all injury claimants need an injury lawyer in order to settle their injury claim.  If your ICBC bodily injury adjuster has been cooperative in funding recommended treatment and you fully recover in 4 to 6 weeks there is usually no need to hire a personal injury lawyer. However, be careful that…

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Court Blames Injury Claimant for not Following Treatment Despite 72 Physiotherapy Visits

Schmidt v. Hawkins, 2010 BCSC 1154 August 17, 2010-  The claimant was driving her car between Sparwood and Invermere, British Columbia returning to Kamloops, British Columbia having attended a  birthday party in Sparwood. Just before the accident the injury Claimants’ vehicle was travelling at approximately 100 kilometres per hour. As claimant vehicle rounded a corner a…

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Injury Claimant awarded $62,000 despite other Driver ICBC statement Saying Accident not Very Severe

Sandher v. Hogg, 2010 BCSC 1152 August 17, 2010-  The injury claimant  was operating a 2001 Honda Civic on King George Highway in British Columbia  when she was rear-ended by another vehicle. Before the impact she had slammed on her brakes because the vehicle in front of her had suddenly stopped. She also tensed prior to…

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ICBC Allowed to Withdraw Their Agreement to Admit Fault

Gibson v. ICBC, 2010 BCSC 1097 August 16, 2010- This is a hit and run  motorcycle accident case that seems to have gone sideways in part because an anonymous tip was given over the “ICBC tip line” after the Judge heard the case. While riding his motorcycle late at night the injury claimant was struck from behind. …

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Injury Claimants’ ICBC Statement Not Inconsistent With Her Trial Testimony

Jones v. Ma, 2010 BCSC 1125  August 11, 2010- The motor vehicle accident that is the subject of this personal injury claim  occurred on Clarke Street in Port Moody, British Columbia. At that location, Clarke Street has two westbound lanes of traffic separated from the single eastbound lane by a double solid yellow line.  Just prior to the…

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ICBC Not Entitled to Double Court Costs Against Unsuccessful Injury Claimant

Mudry v. Minhas, 2010 BCSC 1110 August 10, 2010-  This ICBC personal injury case involves an injury claim arising from a motor vehicle accident.  The Judge decided that the driver being sued was at fault but the Judge dismissed the claim because the evidence showed  that the claimant suffered absolutely no  injury in the car accident. 18 months before…

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