Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Punished for Reprehensible Conduct at Trial

In Zhang v. 328633 BC Ltd. 2020 BCSC 1521, the injured claimant sought damages for injuries she suffered in 2 motor vehicle accidents.  In the first motor vehicle accident, she was rear-ended and ICBC admitted fault.  In the second motor vehicle accident, she was a passenger in a transit bus.  An unidentified driver tried to…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Liable for Window Washer’s Brain Injury Caused by a Reversing Car

In Geddert v. Stokes 2021 BCSC 656, the injured claimant, a window washer, was injured when his ladder was struck by a reversing car.  At the time, he was washing the outside windows above a garage door at a condominium development. The trial judge dismissed ICBC’s arguments that others were liable for the accident finding…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – VPD Officer’s Credibility Questioned at Trial

In a recent blog post, we discussed the impact an injured claimant’s lack of credibility had in the dismissal of his ICBC hit and run claim at trial.  Jacqueline Small, a partner with Holness and Small Law Group, was interviewed by Canadian Magazine on this ICBC credibility case. Credibility is always a paramount consideration in all…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – ICBC Hired Expert Rejected at Trial for Faulty Research

As discussed in a prior blog post, ICBC medical experts who are hired to provide opinions are required to be impartial, independent and absent of bias.  Furthermore, all medical experts are to disclose all facts, assumptions and research as part of their expert file which formed the basis of their opinion. In Barn v. Bird…

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Jacqueline Small Interviewed by Canadian Lawyer Magazine

We are pleased to announce that Jacqueline Small, partner with our firm, was recently interviewed by Canadian Lawyer Magazine about an ICBC case involving an injured claimant who suffered severe PTSD. Ms. Small originally wrote a blog article on this ICBC PTSD claim which proceeded to trial.  In that ICBC case, the injured claimant was…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – The Dos and Don’ts of ICBC Surveillance

ICBC uses surveillance to investigate injured claimants and ICBC injury claims.  Typically, ICBC uses surveillance when the ICBC adjuster is suspicious about the true nature and extent of the injuries claimed.  It is also used when ICBC questions whether injured claimants are truly unable to work due to their injuries. When ICBC wants to conduct…

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Wrongful Death Claims and Trial Decisions (Part 2)

In our previous blog post about ICBC Wrongful Death Claims and Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Claims, we focused on the Family Compensation Act that governs these types of claims.  In this article, we focus on Wrongful Death claims that have proceeded to trial. In Roberts v Morgan, 2019 BCSC 2313, the surviving spouse and son of…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – $200,000.00 for Chronic and Severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. When some people suffer from PTSD, it can be extremely disabling to…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – The Importance of Credibility to an ICBC Claim

At issue in every ICBC claim is the nature and the extent of the injured claimant’s injuries caused by the motor vehicle accident and the effect they have had and will have on his/her function.  The injured claimant has the burden of proving not only the injuries, but also whether the motor vehicle accident was…

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ICBC Minor Injury Caps – Why Hire an ICBC Personal Injury Lawyer?

A high percentage of people purchase insurance without understanding the important details of the insurance policy.  This can turn into a nightmare when a claim is denied due to an exclusion in the policy that was unknown or misunderstood at the time the insurance was purchased. ICBC is no different.  Most people have no understanding…

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