Injured Cyclist in ICBC Hit and Run Case Wins 70% Fault Against Unidentified Driver

In this passing on the right bicycle case (Ormiston v. I.C.B.C.,2012 BCSC 665), the injury claimant fell from his bicycle while descending a steep hill along Lindholm Road in the District of Metchosin near Victoria, BC.  He sustained serious injuries for which he seeks compensation.  The Court only decided on the issue of liability and the issue…

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Personal Injury Lawyer Entitled to Interest on Loans and Expenses From Former Client

In this personal injury lawyer bill review case (2011 BCSC 1799) the lawyer filed an appointment for the review of the bills that he had rendered to his former client.  The client was a back seat passenger in a vehicle that was hit from the rear by another vehicle and hired the lawyer to pursue a claim for…

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Call a Car Accident Lawyer Before ICBC Dial-a-Claim

I have provided legal assistance to injury claimants since 1992 and I have been a personal injury lawyer in Vancouver since 1995. When you are involved in a car crash involving  an ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) claim it is best to have a legal advocate that does not work for ICBC before you call…

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Explain How to Make an ICBC Injury Claim with no Lawyer- Car Accidents and Personal Injury

April 25, 2014- The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, is one of the largest auto insurance companies in Canada and if your search for a personal injury lawyer has been fruitless you need to read on. Making an injury claim with ICBC can be confusing and frustrating. That’s why many claimants take advantage of…

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Victoria Personal Injury Claimant Ordered to Attend Medical Examinations in Vancouver

In this truck accident injury claim (Parsons v. Mears, 2011 BCSC 397)  the claimant, a Victoria resident,  was operating a truck  when it became stuck in mud. A good samaritan, Mr. Mears,  attempted to pull the truck out of the mud using a cable and tractor. The tractor flipped and trapped Mr. Mears. The claimant alleges that he  suffered various…

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Dismissal of Injury Claim Overturned as Claimant had an Excusable Delay

This dental injury claim in BC  involves  three lawsuits alleging  injury due to negligent dental treatment. This was an appeal from an order of a Master dismissing the injury claim.  The dismissal was based on the claimant’s failure to submit for a second time to a medical examination  and, more generally, on want of prosecution pursuant to Rule 22‑7(7). …

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Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Vancouver if you Live Outside the City

I am a personal injury lawyer in British Columbia with my law firm office located in downtown Vancouver.  Over the years I have represented injury claimants from all over the Province and as I write this post I sit at the Thompson River University in Kamloops waiting for a settlement meeting with ICBC and their…

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Car Accident Claimant gets $156,000.00 for Whiplash Injury-Judge Explains Judicial Requirement for Written Decisions

In this Vancouver personal injury case(Jackson v. Mongrain)the claimant sought compensation for injuries arising out of a car accident which occurred on the Lougheed Highway in BC.  The car in which the injury claimant was a passenger was stopped in the left lane for eastbound traffic waiting for the car ahead of it to complete a turn.…

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Personal Injury Lawyers in BC Applaud as Injury Claimant not Forced to be Examined by a Second ICBC Doctor

Sometimes an injury claimant may be required by law to attend these medical exams if they are an insured with ICBC and are making a claim. The examination are often called “independent’ but many car accident lawyers would disagree. In

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Fight Your ICBC Claim With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Your ICBC injury claim may be due to a car accident or you  may have been a pedestrian or a cyclist. ICBC is required to pay accident benefits, if your are an insured, whether they think you are all fault or not.  You do not need to find a personal injury lawyer if

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