Renn A. Holness is a gifted lawyer and author to over 1000 legal blog articles. Married father of two daughters, son of a neurosurgeon and founder of Holness and Small Law Group

The ICBC Fraud of No-Fault Insurance- Blame the Innocent

No-Fault auto insurance means ICBC will profit by letting guilty drivers get away with killing and maiming the innocent. The history of no-fault auto insurance in other jurisdictions shows a callous disregard for human life. Profit over quality of life. If you are a bad driver and cause of your own disability and the disability…

ICBC Settlements for 2020

The massive ICBC withdrawal of offers to settle one year ago has sparked financial blunder and moral outrage for innocent injury victims. Supreme Court Judge’s are having to punish ICBC for failing to accept reasonable settlement offers. In 2019 guilty drivers insured by ICBC lost a possible record number of court cases, with claimants winning…

Expert Rules Struck- ICBC Secret Financial Blunder Revealed

The limits on experts and expert reports introduced February 11, 2019 have been set aside by the Supreme Court. Orders under Rule 11-8 are also of no force or effect. The Supreme Court struck down these arbitrary limits on expert evidence (Crowder v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2019 BCSC 1824). Attorney General David Eby was…

Inadequate Ladder and Supervision

Written by Ms. Jacqueline A. Small, B.A. LL.B. – A property owner owes a duty of care to workers carrying out construction work on the business or home. Home and business owners could be responsible for injuries suffered by workers not protected from risks and hazards. This includes falling injuries and slip and fall. Occupier’s Liability…

Restaurant Liability for a Slip and Fall

Written by Jacqueline A. Small, B.A. LL.B Restaurant liability for customer injuries can result in significant money awards. Failure to provide warning signs can result in monetary compensation to the injured. Poor maintenance will also expose the restaurant owner to liability. A restaurant owes a duty to take reasonable care that customers on its premises…

$150,000.00 Pain and Suffering for Somatic Symptom Disorder

Written by Ms. Jacqueline A. Small, B.A. LL.B In this personal injury case the ICBC injury claimant was rear-ended while stopped for traffic on the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver (Verjee v. Dunbrak 2019 BCSC 1696). At trial, the injury claimant argued that the motor vehicle accident caused her to suffer from ongoing chronic pain in…