Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

ICBC denied request to have Two Car Accident Cases Heard Together

Egan v. ICBC, 2010 BCSC 1042 July 27, 2010-  Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (“ICBC”), applied to court  for an order that two car accident injury claims being made by one claimant be heard at the same time. In the ICBC injury claim , the injured claimed damages for personal injuries, including injury to the head, headaches, cognitive problems,…

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Vancouver Police Forced to Pay for Unreasonable Strip Search

Vancouver (City) v. Ward, 2010 SCC 27 July 26, 2010-  On August 1, 2002, Prime Minister Chrétien participated in a ceremony to mark the opening of a gate at the entrance to Vancouver’s Chinatown. During the ceremony, the Vancouver Police Department  received information that an unknown individual intended to throw a pie at the Prime…

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ICBC Refused to Pay Successful Injury Victim But Court Orders ICBC to pay the full amount

Wormell v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia, 2010 BCSC 1028 July 22, 2010-  The injury claimant obtained a court award of  $570,288.71  for serious personal injuries suffered in an accident. The at fault  ICBC insured owned a large Kenworth flatbed truck with an attached crane. The injury claimant was helping remove cargo when he jumped off…

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Injured Cyclists with no Helmet- Does Wearing a Helmet Really Make a Difference?

Another cyclist was hit by a car  at 8th and Quebec in Vancouver and the  26 year old male was not wearing a helmet and was rushed to hospital with serious injuries. As all cyclist should know it is an offence to operate bicycle without a helmet in British Columbia, even in a bicycle lane.…

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Motorcyclist Found 60% at Fault for injuring a Jaywalking Pedestrain

Walter v. Plummer,2010 BCSC 1017 July 21, 2010- This motor vehicle accident case arising out of an accident between a motorcyclist and a pedestrian. The accident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. when the claimant, who was jaywalking across Rutland Road, was struck by a motorcyclist. It was sunny and the roads were dry. Mr. Walter…

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Injury Claimant Failed to Beat ICBC Offer and Court Orders her to pay over $40,000.00 to ICBC

Smagh v. Bumbrah, 2010 BCSC 988 July 16, 2010- The case arose from a motor vehicle accident in which ICBC admitted their insured was at fault. A process of mediation (settlement meeting) took place but was unsuccessful. The following day, ICBC made a formal offer to settle of $20,000.00 plus taxable costs and disbursements which…

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Injured Motorcyclist has His Claim Dismissed for Travelling too Close

Barrie v. Marshall, 2010 BCSC 981 July 15th, 2010-  the injury claimant was riding his motorcycle  after spending time at a motorcycle show at the Tradex Centre near Abbotsford.  It was early afternoon, and the weather was clear and dry.  The claimant was travelling behind the car of the defendant, Benita Marshall.  The claimant said that Ms. Marshall stopped her…

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Find a Personal Injury Lawyer to State the Legal Basis of your Claim

July, 14th, 2010-  As of July 1st, 2010 every personal injury claimant now has to state the legal basis of their claim in the Notice of Civil Claim filed in our Supreme Court.  With the change in the Court Rules lawyers in British Columbia are grappling with what a concise summary of the legal basis on which…

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ICBC Injury Claimant not required to Sign Medical Authorizations Says Judge

Desjardins v. Huser, 2010 BCSC 977 July 28, 2011- The  injury claimant was in a car accident that occurred  when she was two years old.  Her claim is  that she sustained a brain injury resulting in permanent cognitive deficits. She also claims that she suffered multiple permanent orthopaedic and soft tissues injuries that have resulted in permanent emotional and…

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Injury Claim Against Chiropractor Dismissed Despite Judge Finding No Informed Consent

Kern v. Forest,  2010 BCSC 938 July 28, 2011-   The Claimant  saw her family doctor complaining of left shoulder pain. Her family doctor referred her for chiropractic treatment and she was treated by two chiropractors.  After the treatments, the Claimant was diagnosed with spinal cord compression, caused by a herniated cervical disc.  A neurosurgeon performed a discectomy and removed the herniated…

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