Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

How to Settle Your ICBC Claim- Legal Causation for Personal Injury

In my negotiating experience as a personal injury lawyer most  cases involving the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, settle based on offers made before the beginning of a trial. It is not uncommon for injury claimants to receive offers of settlement from ICBC before the claimant has hired a lawyer and before the injury has…

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ICBC Has Bad Faith Claim Severed from Insurance Coverage Issues

In this bad faith ICBC claim(Shaffner v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, 2012 BCSC 1263) the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia  denied the plaintiff’s claim under an  insurance policy alleging she had falsely declared that she was the principal operator of the vehicle. As well, ICBC took the position that the plaintiff had made false representations material to…

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Toothbrush Defect Injury Claimant Cannot Force Colgate President to be Witness

In this unusual personal injury dental case(Alnoor v. Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc.,2012 BCSC 1342) the claimant alleges that a defect in a toothbrush manufactured by the defendant caused her serious injury.  The claimant said that the toothbrush fractured in two places while she was brushing her teeth and she claims substantial damages for injuries she says she suffered as a result.…

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6 Year Old Injured in Car Accident Awarded $20,000 For Mild Whiplash

In this child soft tissue injury claim (Maya Naks v. Hesse, 2012 BCSC 1328) the 6 child’s vehicle was travelling eastbound on 49th Avenue, in Vancouver, British Columbia when another vehicle failed to stop at a stop sign and her car hit the left side of the defendant. An ambulance attended at the scene of the…

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When to Hire a Lawyer for an ICBC Injury Claim

I have been hired as a personal injury lawyer for claimants dealing with ICBC at every different phase of a personal injury case: Immediately after the car accident, months after the injury, or even after the claimant has hired another lawyer. There are certainly better points in a case to have the benefit of legal…

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Personal Injury Claimant Should be Called First at Trial, According to Judge

In this Langley car accident injury claim( Charles v. Dudley, 2012 BCSC 1301)  the Supreme Court Judge was critical of the injury claimant putting forward all her medical experts before she took the stand.This decision may prove somewhat controversial in civil trial advocacy circles because this approach has come to be used by some personal injury…

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Best to Get a Lawyer for Your ICBC Injury Claim- New Direction for ICBC

I have written extensively on the best way to find a lawyer for an ICBC claim and as the boss of a personal injury law firm in Vancouver I have had to consistently update the firm with leading ethical guidelines and strive for the highest client satisfaction. This article will focus on the “when, where,…

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How to Respond to an ICBC Offer of Settlement

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, has the power to settle thousands of car accident cases worth hundreds of millions of dollars every year, profoundly changing the  lives of thousands of the British Colombians.  Being a personal injury lawyer in Vancouver since 1995 I have settled countless cases with ICBC and in my experience the claimant’s  initial response…

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Future Care Costs Award in Car Accident Injury Claim Reduced by Court of Appeal

After suffering  injuries in what ICBC referred to as a low velocity impact car accident the trial judge awarded the claimant $115,975 for cost of future care in addition to awards for pain and suffering and out of pocket expenses.  Read my review of the  trial judge decision. The BC Court of Appeal has reduced the award for…

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ICBC Not Required to Help Injury Claimant make a Proper Hit and Run Claim

In British Columbia people that are injured in hit and run car accidents can claim against the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, for their losses. There are however many limitations and exceptions as this money is coming from an uninsured recovery fund and not from an existing insurance policy. I have written several articles…

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