Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

ICBC Offer to Settle must Take into Account Unpaid Injury Benefits

If the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia , ICBC,  gives an injury claimant  an  offer to settle their injury case, ICBC  may seek their legal and out of pocket expenses after the date of the offer, if the injury claimant refuses the offer and gets less at trial.    However the Court of Appeal for British Columbia, in the…

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ICBC Personal Injury Claim Awards and Social Assistance Benefits

From my own experience as a personal injury lawyer in British Columbia since 1995 I say the most excellent safeguard we have in this Province for people living in poverty is our social assistance programs. After a car accident, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC, may have some obligations to pay accident benefits but that…

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Slip and Fall Personal Injury Lawyer- Tips for Business Premise Claims

As a personal injury lawyer serving the Lower Mainland since 1995 I have successfully helped many  slip and fall injuries claimants. If you or someone you know has just been injured in a business establishment, check out my short video about slip and fall injuries on business premises.   Here  are three important tips for people injured on business premises…

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Claimant Sues ICBC with no Personal Injury Lawyer and Loses all Appeals

This vexatious ICBC litigant with no lawyer,(Pearlman v. ICBC, 2012 BCCA 398)  tried to appeal, without success, an order made by the Supreme Court of British Columbia restricting his ability to continue filing lawsuits. The appellant also complained that his pleadings were  modelled on textbook pleadings and the Judge was wrong to say they disclosed no cause of action.  However, the…

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Classic ICBC Insurance Adjuster Excuses Generated in Car Accident Injury Claims

Some  Insurance Corporation of British Columbia adjusters are never short of excuses, generating excuses for late payment of benefits to victims of personal injury following car accidents, pedestrian accidents, hit and runs and the like. As a personal injury lawyer in BC injury claimant’s often call me to ask how to deal with the ICBC insurance adjuster after…

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ICBC Dial-a Claim Call used to Order Repayment of Personal Injury Settlement

In this Supreme Court lawsuit the driver involved in the single vehicle car accident was sued by ICBC for reimbursement of money (ICBC v. Nisbet, 2009 BCSC 1570)it was obliged to payout for the settlement of personal injuries to the passenger. After the car accident the passenger telephoned ICBC’s dial-a-claim line to report her injury.  The ICBC…

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Local Legal Perspective on Italian Scientists Earthquake Trial

Jackie Small, Civil Trial Lawyer, appeared on the Bill Good Show at CKNW AM 980 today to give some local legal perspective on the shocking conviction and sentencing of seven scientists to six years in prison. The seven went on trial for manslaughter linked to an earthquake in Italy that killed more than 300 people and the victims have…

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What to do After a Car Accident

June 6, 2017-  ICBC Injury Claims advice from a personal injury lawyer with over 21 years experience. Police should be called but they do not always show up so get the name and address of the driver along with the licence plate number and name of the registered owner of the other vehicle. Do Not: argue with…

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Low Velocity Car Accident Injury Claimant Gets Low Money Award

In this low velocity car accident injury case (Naidu v. Gill,2012 BCSC 1461) the injury claimant waited over one year to report his accident to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, ICBC. The accident took place when the claimant was rear ended near the intersection of 88th Avenue and Fraser Highway in Surrey, BC.  This…

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ICBC says not Necessary to get lawyer But Court Dismisses Injury Claim

In this late filed personal injury lawsuit(Tolentino v. Gill, 2012 BCSC 1383)the claimant was injured in a car accident and met with an ICBC adjuster soon after the accident. The insurance adjuster, employed by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), was aware that the claimant had not talked to a lawyer and advised him…

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