Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

Finding a Lawyer for my ICBC Injury Claim

When hiring a lawyer most people injured in a car accident are looking for the best personal injury lawyer in town when they call my personal injury law office.  I understand that sentiment because when I need a professional I always  expect to hire the best.  However, what does best personal injury lawyer really mean?  Do you…

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Claimant Injured by A Car Trying to avoid a Deer in the Road

Power v. White, 2010 BCSC 1084 August 5, 2010- This injury claim  arising out of a motor vehicle accident that occurred  on the Island Highway on Vancouver island, when the vehicle being driven by the injury claimant was rear-ended by an ICBC insured driver.   The  car accident was created  by  a deer on the highway  which…

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ICBC Forced to Disclose Documents to Injury Claimant

Craig v. Smith, 2010 BCSC 1082 August 3, 2010- ICBC refused to give an injury claimant relevant documents regarding a motor vehicle accident. The personal injury lawyer representing the claimant had been asking ICBC for the documents for over a year.  There were several written demands, a formal application to court and a day of argument, over the…

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ICBC Injury Claimant has Claim dismissed due to 13 Year Delay

Hullenaar v. Wells, 2010 BCSC 1070 August 3, 2010-  ICBC applied  for an order dismissing the injury claim because of the claimant’s delay. The ICBC injury claim arose in November of 1997.  The claimaint  was in his car when he was “boxed in” by two cars being driven by two of the defendants. He says that the other…

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At Fault Driver 100% responsible for aggravations of Claimant’s Injury

Bradley v. Groves, 2010 BCCA 361 July 30th, 2010- as we approach British Columbia Day, a  chance to celebrate our achievements, our Court of Appeal has come out with a law altering decision that will assist injury victims involved in multiple car accidents and ICBC injury claims.  What an injury claim is worth will now have…

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Older Injury Claimants Still Entitled to Money for Pain and Suffering

July 29, 2010-  ICBC Injury claimants that are in their golden years often are already limited by a physical condition due to age.  However, it is inappropriate to discount an  award for pain and suffering due to a car accident simply because of the claimant’s age. In the case of Ha v. Fritzke  , still good…

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Slip and Fall Victim 75% to Blame for for Her Injury

Hunter v. Anderson, 2010 BCSC 1037 July 28, 2010- The claim in this injury case is  for injuries said to have resulted from slipping and falling on the front stairs to a  rental accommodation in Port Coquitlam.   The claimant received a rent reduction in exchange for her agreement to shovel and clear the outside staircase where she…

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ICBC denied request to have Two Car Accident Cases Heard Together

Egan v. ICBC, 2010 BCSC 1042 July 27, 2010-  Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (“ICBC”), applied to court  for an order that two car accident injury claims being made by one claimant be heard at the same time. In the ICBC injury claim , the injured claimed damages for personal injuries, including injury to the head, headaches, cognitive problems,…

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Vancouver Police Forced to Pay for Unreasonable Strip Search

Vancouver (City) v. Ward, 2010 SCC 27 July 26, 2010-  On August 1, 2002, Prime Minister Chrétien participated in a ceremony to mark the opening of a gate at the entrance to Vancouver’s Chinatown. During the ceremony, the Vancouver Police Department  received information that an unknown individual intended to throw a pie at the Prime…

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ICBC Refused to Pay Successful Injury Victim But Court Orders ICBC to pay the full amount

Wormell v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia, 2010 BCSC 1028 July 22, 2010-  The injury claimant obtained a court award of  $570,288.71  for serious personal injuries suffered in an accident. The at fault  ICBC insured owned a large Kenworth flatbed truck with an attached crane. The injury claimant was helping remove cargo when he jumped off…

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