Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

Jacqueline Small Interviewed by Canadian Lawyer Magazine

We are pleased to announce that Jacqueline Small, partner with our firm, was recently interviewed by Canadian Lawyer Magazine about an ICBC case involving an injured claimant who suffered severe PTSD. Ms. Small originally wrote a blog article on this ICBC PTSD claim which proceeded to trial.  In that ICBC case, the injured claimant was…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – The Dos and Don’ts of ICBC Surveillance

ICBC uses surveillance to investigate injured claimants and ICBC injury claims.  Typically, ICBC uses surveillance when the ICBC adjuster is suspicious about the true nature and extent of the injuries claimed.  It is also used when ICBC questions whether injured claimants are truly unable to work due to their injuries. When ICBC wants to conduct…

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Wrongful Death Claims and Trial Decisions (Part 2)

In our previous blog post about ICBC Wrongful Death Claims and Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Claims, we focused on the Family Compensation Act that governs these types of claims.  In this article, we focus on Wrongful Death claims that have proceeded to trial. In Roberts v Morgan, 2019 BCSC 2313, the surviving spouse and son of…

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Wrongful Death Claims and the Family Compensation Act (Part 1)

When a death is caused by a motor vehicle accident or medical malpractice, there is a potential claim for Wrongful Death.  This is part 1 of a 3 part series about Wrongful Death claims in BC.  This 1st blog post will focus on the legislation (statute) governing Wrongful Death claims.  The 2nd will focus on…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – Highest Awards in BC for Loss of Housekeeping Capacity

In a recent ICBC case that proceeded to trial, our client was awarded $225,000 for past and future ICBC loss of housekeeping capacity which was one of the highest awards ever made in this province.  Other cases where substantial awards for loss of housekeeping capacity are as follows: $570,000         Xu v Balaski, 2020 BCSC 940:                  …

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Vancouver Medical Malpractice Lawyer – Chiropractor Negligence

As discussed in a prior blog post, informed consent is often a significant issue with a number of medical malpractice claims involving not only doctors, but also non-medical doctors such as chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapist and acupuncturists. Because most medical procedures involve some level of risk, all medical practitioners have an obligation to fully inform their…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – $200,000.00 for Chronic and Severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. When some people suffer from PTSD, it can be extremely disabling to…

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Vancouver ICBC Lawyer – The Importance of Credibility to an ICBC Claim

At issue in every ICBC claim is the nature and the extent of the injured claimant’s injuries caused by the motor vehicle accident and the effect they have had and will have on his/her function.  The injured claimant has the burden of proving not only the injuries, but also whether the motor vehicle accident was…

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Vancouver Medical Malpractice Lawyer – Breach of Contract Claims

There is a wide array of medical services provided by doctors including specialized or elective procedures.  With any healthcare procedure, there is a degree of risk. Most cases involving medical malpractice are framed in negligence and battery.  Doctors can also be held liable for breach of contract in some exceptional circumstances. In a doctor-patient relationship,…

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