Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

Enhanced Care ICBC Style: Losing Your Right to Sue

ICBC Enhanced Care 2021, celebrated by NDP government, received Royal Assent Friday, Aug. 14, 2020. Auto injury victims need to prepare for the worst. Our Attorney General David Eby has coined ICBC no fault auto insurance as “ICBC Enhanced Care”. The Enhanced Care at ICBC will mean the elimination of compensation for pain and suffering.…

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Rear end Car Accident Pain and Suffering Compensation

Average ICBC Rear Ender Payouts from the Supreme Court Getting hit from behind while stopped in traffic is a common occurrence, usually referred to as a rear-end accident. As a personal injury lawyer in British Columbia since 1995, I can say there have likely been more rear end car accident cases forced into court in…

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ICBC Settlements for 2020 – Part 2

  In a prior blog post, we discussed the current state of ICBC settlements in 2020.  Specifically, we outlined ICBC’s settlement policy as encouraged by the NDP which refuses to provide reasonable settlements to injured claimants.  When ICBC refuses to reasonably assess claims and to offer legitimate settlements, it unnecessarily forces cases to trial.  This…

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Sport Injury – Lawsuit Against North Vancouver for Foul Ball Injury Dismissed

Sports are a large part of our society.  Millions of Canadians have participated in and have been spectators in amateur sports and professional sports.  Sport injuries to both participants and spectators are unfortunately common due to the inherent risks of the game. Participants are deemed to accept the inherent risks of a sport injury if…

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ICBC Rejects Settlement Offer and Punished by the Court

ICBC has been punished again for failing to accept a reasonable settlement offer. This offer coming from an innocent car accident victim that lost $85,000 just in past wages. The claimant offered to settle a car accident injury claim for $150,000, which ICBC rejected. The court said the injury claim was worth over $200,000, after…

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ICBC Blood Money: Insurance Rebate 2021

ICBC full no-fault insurance, soon to be law, gives absolute powers to the auto insurance monopoly ICBC. The government, starting May, 2021, will allow ICBC to value human suffering at zero ($0.00), giving no compensation to the injured.  The BC NDP will be taking money that should be used to compensate innocent victims and giving…

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Loss of Housekeeping Capacity and Injury Claims

  Often, the most common types of personal injury claims involving ICBC accidents, slip and fall accidents and private property accidents will include damages for: pain and suffering lost income future care costs special damages (reimbursement of out of pocket expenses). Another type of claim that is available to injured claimants is for loss of…

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Claiming for Personal Injury after a Car Accident

ICBC Injury Claims As a personal injury lawyer for over 25 years I am now asked, “can I still get compensation after a car accident?”  Yes, ICBC compensation is still available, but will soon be eliminated by the NDP. How much to claim and when ICBC will pay is changing. Contact a lawyer immediately and…

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