Since 2010, Holness and Small Law Group has written over 1000 legal blog articles. We believe that staying informed and current with personal injury news and case developments is essential to providing proper legal services to our clients when advocating for their rights.

Assault not Fault of Store Owner

This claimant was physically assaulted by an unknown customer while waiting in line at the retail store, London Drugs. He claimed London Drugs was civilly liable for the injuries he suffered in the assault. The claim was in negligence and under the Occupiers Liability Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 337 ( slip and fall legislation). Without…

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ICBC Helped by Dumbing of the Courts

The BC NDP have set arbitrary limits on judges access to expert opinion. This will reduce intelligent decision making and eliminate the ability to resolve sophisticated civil disputes. The dumbing down of the court will have a negative impact on innocent victims. The changes to the expert rules will empower state-run bodies such as ICBC,…

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$5.85 Million Settlement Test Future Loss Rates

Loss of future income and cost of future care are often awarded in one lump sum in personal injury cases. A $5.85 million medical malpractice settlement  has tested the court rationale behind the discount rate on future losses. The Court of Appeal has reduced the award of $997,060 for investment management fees to $50,000.00. Defendant’s…

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Records disclosed

Sued Doctors Can Disclose Medical Records

The Court of Appeal has upheld the dismissal of a bizarre medical-legal malpractice case. The appellant alleged that he was mistreated and assaulted by hospital staff. His claim included defamation, malicious prosecution, battery and physical assault, and intentional infliction of harm. (Universe v. Fraser Health Authority, 2019 BCCA 234) The lawyers representing the doctors were…

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ICBC Settlements and Collective Agreements

An employers’ duty to accommodate can impact the amount of ICBC injury claim settlement. In this case review, a car accident injury was claimed to have been settled on the mistaken understanding that the employer was willing to accommodate the injury. About a month before the trial of the car accident claims, the claimant sent…

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Personal Injury Lawyer Hiring Tips

The key to healthy lawyer-client relations is trust. Trust builds the confidence needed to make the best decisions in the case. It is therefore important to ask the lawyer whether they work for ICBC or any other insurance company. Ensure the lawyer’s loyalty is undivided. Start your Search Here Auto injury claims are treated differently…

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